Get rid of that snoring easily!

As per a research conducted by health organization, around 45% grown-ups wheeze, though the intensity varies from occasional to regular. If you don’t fall in that category, then I am sure you would know somebody who does! That person is forever the butt of joke in family get together and hang out with friends.  “Oh he snores like a monster! He almost rattles the windows”. However, taking it lightly is a wrong thing as there are many health factors attached to it.

For one, it is a nuisance for your partner who gets sleepless nights due to your wheezing problem! It is one major reason behind fights between couples and an unpleasant atmosphere. Wheezing can make genuine issues in a marriage.
What is to be noted is that it not just limited to creating problems for your partner,but to your own self. Many doctors have warned people with this problem of serious heart illness they can face at a later stage.


Well, if this has scared you off a lot, worry not! You can find solace in this blog, which will take you through some super duper easy steps that will help you curb this problem. Read on:


  • Hydrate yourself well: Make sure to consume enough fluids all through your day to stay hydrated. Our nose produces sticky secretion that creates more snoring.  This happens when we are dehydrated so make sure your body has enough fluids i.e. around 16 cups of water everyday.
  • Clear the blocks of your nose: If you suffer with blocked nasal passage, then you are mot prone to snoring! The biggest reason of wheezing is unclear nose. So, before you go to bed for a good night sleep, consider taking a hot water bath, which will open up your blocked passage and let you breathe properly. Also, blow it tightly so that all the remain gets out of your nasal holes.
  • Bid goodbye to alcohol and smoking: Alcohol or cigarettes put pressure on the muscles at the back of your throat as they do not let them rest and follow the daily body routine. Working of muscles overtime results in wheezing, especially when a person drinks 5-6 hours before going to bed.
  • Get exercising:  Weight gain seriously affects snoring habit in individuals. Not that thin people don’t wheeze, but in case you started this only after gaining those pounds then it is a cause of concern! Especially if the area around neck has swelled up, it creates pressure on your breathing and nasal chords, which in turn ends up in making your snore. So, it is time to get to work and sweat it out!

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