5 best summer detox foods

Everybody loves to look at themselves in the mirror! Some might feel good about their bodies and some might get upset with their problem areas or that bulging fat or sagging skin! In any case, the uplifting news is that we can invert wrinkles, puffy eyes, fat and many other skin problems by rectifying our dietary patterns.

You must have read about the ‘detox diet’ in many newspapers and magazines.  They purify the body system and flush out toxins for a healthier you. Below are few excellent detox foods that will help you get through the scorching summer heat with ease.


  • Coriander – This aromatic herb can help get rid of cellulite because of its cleansing properties that flush out toxins form internal body parts like kidney and liver.
  • Beetroot – This is one wonder ingredient in your kitchen. Along with its beautiful red color, it is very good for eyes, skin and digestive system. People who are looking to loose weight should add this to their diet! These are high on iron and fiber and help in achieving a flawless skin.
  • Cabbage – This is high on vitamin A,C, E and can help fight row’s feet. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it fir for consumption twice or thrice in a day.
  • Oranges – The frooty freshness that is associated with oranges works magic. The anti-ageing properties help reduce wrinkles, reverse the ageing process and make you look younger. Apart form this, it boosts collagen and has vitamin E, thus improving skin quality.
  • Walnuts – You can combat sagging skin, dark spots, dullness and other age related changes with it. Full of Omega- 3s, it helps in keeping the skin tight, firm and resilient.


Happy cooking, happy serving and happy eating

When we pay attention to the decor of our rooms, why not pay attention to our kitchens as well?

More particularly the kitchenware that all of us use plays a major part in how one sees you. A good set of crockery will always impress your guests and increase the eating experience of your family as well!

Nowadays, there is a wave of plastic kitchenware like a multi cook server, Tupperware snack plates, water bottles etc. They help in maintaining hygienic and cleanliness, which in turn improves family health.


Now that you are planning to revamp your kitchenware, why not do it at discounted prices? With Lootbargain you can buy the trendiest cutlery at amazing rates. So, go for online shopping India and do a makeover of your kitchen!

Table manners start with good table accessories

The world talks about ‘table manners’ and how one can be judged with the way one behaves on table! Yes, across the globe the manner in which you conduct yourself while having your food or just a conversation over a cup of coffee says a lot about you. Big columns in popular magazines are devoted for tips on how to get the T-Manners right!

But I believe that good table cutlery is the first step towards good eating. How about revamping your table accessories to up the class quotient of your home interiors. And what if this could be done in a tiny budget.

table lb blog


Right from beautiful and sassy dining table covers, table mats to coasters, salt and pepper stands, fork and knife cutlery set and much more. Good food keeps the family together and good cutlery makes the food look good! Its time you ditch your old table antics and switch to things that reflect lavishness and sophistication.

Buy kitchen and house ware accessories from top notch brands at highly discounted prices, along with hassle free shipping. 🙂