A good night sleep is all you need for a flawless skin

A good night sleep is the beast beauty treatment for everyone! With choc-a-bloc schedules and extremely busy lifestyles, it is tough to take out time to have a necessary 8 hours sleep! This not only affects our mental health, but also our skin, looks and health.

Researches have shown that a sleep deprived person is not able to concentrate, falls ill frequently, has dull skin and gets mood swings. Health problems might include dark circles, lower immunity, cold and cough, headaches and skin pigmentation to name a few! Do you think that wasting those precious hours at night is a good enough idea if you are going to face all this?



Absolutely no! It is time we start taking health seriously and give enough rest to our brains and bodies to function properly. Lootbargain has some amazing products that will not only release the stress, but will also help you have a sound sleep after a tiring day at work.

The above picture has 4 equipments that will help you fight dark circles, tired eyes and irregular sleeping patterns easily.

1. Herbal gel eye mask to sooth out the eyes. The gel based eye mask lightens dark circles and removes wrinkles over time.

2. Snore control machine to help people suffering with snoring problem.

3. Sleep well band is the device to fight sleep apnea easily.

4. Eye massager with soothing vibrators to ease eye pain and stress.

Buy health products online and take the first step towards  healthy living.

5 best summer detox foods

Everybody loves to look at themselves in the mirror! Some might feel good about their bodies and some might get upset with their problem areas or that bulging fat or sagging skin! In any case, the uplifting news is that we can invert wrinkles, puffy eyes, fat and many other skin problems by rectifying our dietary patterns.

You must have read about the ‘detox diet’ in many newspapers and magazines.  They purify the body system and flush out toxins for a healthier you. Below are few excellent detox foods that will help you get through the scorching summer heat with ease.


  • Coriander – This aromatic herb can help get rid of cellulite because of its cleansing properties that flush out toxins form internal body parts like kidney and liver.
  • Beetroot – This is one wonder ingredient in your kitchen. Along with its beautiful red color, it is very good for eyes, skin and digestive system. People who are looking to loose weight should add this to their diet! These are high on iron and fiber and help in achieving a flawless skin.
  • Cabbage – This is high on vitamin A,C, E and can help fight row’s feet. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it fir for consumption twice or thrice in a day.
  • Oranges – The frooty freshness that is associated with oranges works magic. The anti-ageing properties help reduce wrinkles, reverse the ageing process and make you look younger. Apart form this, it boosts collagen and has vitamin E, thus improving skin quality.
  • Walnuts – You can combat sagging skin, dark spots, dullness and other age related changes with it. Full of Omega- 3s, it helps in keeping the skin tight, firm and resilient.


Ayurveda is your answer for health problems

There is no better treatment for any illness than ayurvedic medicines. Our ayurveda has a truck load of miraculous medicines that can cure and heal the biggest and chronic diseases that are beyond the reach of medical science!

These ayurvedic medicines are the best alternatives for harmful chemical based medications available in market that weaken our immune system and make us dependent on them for life! Here at Lootbargain we have realized the urgency of promoting these effective medicines and hence, have a separate section dedicated to these efficient capsules that will heal problems like piles, menstrual problems, women health issues and much more!

  • Women’s health Ayurvedic capsules


  • Women’s menstrual Care


  • Back and other joint pain


  • Treatment for piles

t56Buy ayurvedic medicines online at discounted rates only from Lootbargain.com.

Live free and stay healthy without diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common health problems that every 1 out of 10 people face. Though it might seem to be nothing very serious, it can certainly have many health consequences if not taken proper care of. It is both the patient and the people around him/her to take corrective measures as soon as they detect the symptoms and also lead a healthy life to steer clear from the problem.

Hence, some diabetic supplies like diabetes checking machinediabetes supplements, sugar free drinks among others are vital for leading a tension free life. You can get these herbal products @ lootbargain at the lowest rates. It is time we start taking it as a serious cause of concern and act accordingly for its treatment.



Because in the end, it is you who has to take charge of how you want your life to be! Do you want it to be a helpless victim of diabetes or a carefree bird minus it! The call is yours. Buy diabetes control products online and lead a life that’s smiling and healthy!



Build your body with nutritional supplements

Gain the right amount of weight and bulk up in a nutritional way with Magnus Nutrition.  Now you can attain those desirable muscles and good looks with effective supplements. How about changing your tasteless energy supplements with tasty nutritional supplements like Gain Fast 1000 G- Choco Blast. There are many other flavor variants in this series like rich vanilla, orange and fruit punch.



Magnus Nutrition GAIN FAST is a delicious, high-protein weight gainer that contains a precise blend of muscle-building protein, energy-providing carbohydrates, and healthy fats that will help you put on Muscle.
The ideal macro nutrient profile in Magnus Nutrition GAIN FAST is perfect for body builders and other athletes who are looking to build muscle and increase strength without adding extra fat to their physique. Buy work out supplements from Lootbargain and see your muscles bulking up!


Steps to prevent arthritis easily and effectively

Arthritis can be a very perplexing condition to deal with. Commonplace errands become hurting and problematic. There are numerous methods to decrease the effects of arthritis on your everyday life. In this particular blog post you will get info that is significant for everyone who wants to lead a healthy life minus any such disease. Have a look to unveil the tips:


  • Undertake some physical task daily to keep your bones moving. It need not necessarily be heavy strenuous work but something as small as climbing up stairs, getting up to receive calls and answer door bell or walking to the nearby grocery store. This will keep your bones and muscles active and lessen the chances of arthritis.
  • Manage your weight. People on a bulkier side are more prone to having bone related diseases as the weight puts a lot of pressure on the muscles and bones. Get into the habit of exercising to maintain a healthy weight and watch what you eat. This DOES NOT mean that you need to skip meals or get down to having boiled vegetables! Its just about maintaining that calorie count.
  • Avoid joint injury as much as possible. Though injuries and mishaps are beyond anyone’s control but, being careful and avoiding such situations to the maximum is possible. If by chance you do get injured, don’t take it lightly or do not ignore it! Take proper medication and give it time to heal.
  • Include a good amount of calcium and vitamins in your diet. These are two key ingredients in maintaining good bone health. Take it in the form of milk or milk products and vitamin-rich products. For lactose intolerant people, you can switch to calcium supplements to fill that gap.
  • Say bye to alcoholic drinks as they are the biggest enemies of bone health. The ingredients in such fluids weaken the bone functioning system and lead to numerous problems like arthritis etc.



Get rid of that snoring easily!

As per a research conducted by health organization, around 45% grown-ups wheeze, though the intensity varies from occasional to regular. If you don’t fall in that category, then I am sure you would know somebody who does! That person is forever the butt of joke in family get together and hang out with friends.  “Oh he snores like a monster! He almost rattles the windows”. However, taking it lightly is a wrong thing as there are many health factors attached to it.

For one, it is a nuisance for your partner who gets sleepless nights due to your wheezing problem! It is one major reason behind fights between couples and an unpleasant atmosphere. Wheezing can make genuine issues in a marriage.
What is to be noted is that it not just limited to creating problems for your partner,but to your own self. Many doctors have warned people with this problem of serious heart illness they can face at a later stage.


Well, if this has scared you off a lot, worry not! You can find solace in this blog, which will take you through some super duper easy steps that will help you curb this problem. Read on:


  • Hydrate yourself well: Make sure to consume enough fluids all through your day to stay hydrated. Our nose produces sticky secretion that creates more snoring.  This happens when we are dehydrated so make sure your body has enough fluids i.e. around 16 cups of water everyday.
  • Clear the blocks of your nose: If you suffer with blocked nasal passage, then you are mot prone to snoring! The biggest reason of wheezing is unclear nose. So, before you go to bed for a good night sleep, consider taking a hot water bath, which will open up your blocked passage and let you breathe properly. Also, blow it tightly so that all the remain gets out of your nasal holes.
  • Bid goodbye to alcohol and smoking: Alcohol or cigarettes put pressure on the muscles at the back of your throat as they do not let them rest and follow the daily body routine. Working of muscles overtime results in wheezing, especially when a person drinks 5-6 hours before going to bed.
  • Get exercising:  Weight gain seriously affects snoring habit in individuals. Not that thin people don’t wheeze, but in case you started this only after gaining those pounds then it is a cause of concern! Especially if the area around neck has swelled up, it creates pressure on your breathing and nasal chords, which in turn ends up in making your snore. So, it is time to get to work and sweat it out!

4 weight loss myths demystified

There is an information overload about best weight loss techniques and methods! Your friends, relatives, neighborhood aunty and literally everyone seems to be after your life to lose that flab! And to help you out in this, they will present some interesting, some absurd and some weird tips that will make you scratch your heads in amazement!

And hey, don’t tell me you don’t follow all those! Everyone of us does! But even after fad diets, crazy gym sessions, rigorous exercises and skipping meals, you are nowhere close to your dream of fitting in a sexy bikini! Despair, despair everywhere! Nevertheless, now don’t make that grumpy gloomy face! HUH! Lets start with checking what is good and what is bad for your regime. Not everything that seems rosy and a sure-shot way to lose weight actually works. Yet, at LootBargain, there are several 100% herbal weight loss capsules and gadgets that would help you in your quest to cut that fat! All products are from the trusted name of Zenith Nutrition and are absolutely chemical free. Not that these alone would do wonders but, having them regularly along with your excessive session will garner results.

Below is a list of 4 biggest myths debunked that will force to re-plan your strategy of losing weight!


  • Consuming small meals a day will make you lose flab– Sorry to say but this has no concrete evidence as such! For instance, a recent study by British Journal of Nutritional Investigation found no dramatic difference in weight loss of people following small-portion diet and the ones who weren’t.
  • Healthy meals cost more– Uh no, this ain’t true! As a matter of fact, fatty, high calorie food costs much more than them. You need to be creative while watching what you consume. Pick fresh vegetables, fruits and stuff like that and make scrumptious meal out of them.
  • Give up every delicacy you love- Good news for you all, this is one the biggest myth of all times! No, not that you can go and munch on a big chocolate bar right after this, but occasional indulgence is good! There is always a limit to human control and our nervous system is such that it provokes to do what is not to be done! Ya, you can change what you eat. Go for granola bars, make ice-creams with skim milk, fruits and brown sugar, instead of sundaes, binge on fruit smoothies. You can try anything from chocolate to banana, mango, strawberry, raspberry and blueberry smoothies. You can also make a fancy sundae by using crushed whole wheat biscuits as a layer and topped with lots of dry fruits and fresh fruits along with creamy and thick smoothie. You may garnish it with home-made sugar free fruit compote. Now tell me, who would want anything else?
  • Rigorous exercises are your saviors– It is vital that you give time to your body to adjust. Start with light exercises should first be incorporated and up the intensity level once you are comfortable with the change. However, not every workout pays off. Be careful of which one you chose based on your requirement.



Best gift for your sports loving boyfriend!

Is your boyfriend a sports freak who sleeps, breathes and eats sports?
It’s his birthday but you are running out of budget! And every sports related item comes with a big price tag! You know that if there is anything you can gift him that will make him happy is stuff related to sports?

But the massive variety is making you go nuts and you are all nerves as to what to buy and what not! Variety is mammoth but giving him a particular thing will make you end up missing so many other cool merchandise! So, what to do? Well, the answer is fairly simple- a gift basket! Yes, nothing can beat this one! This way you will be able to give multiple things in on go, which will sweep him off his feet! Isn’t it obvious? After all, you have put in so much of brains and hard work in selecting the perfect ingredients for the basket!

Below is a rundown on what all should go in there. Take a look!


Red sporty sweatshirt

Red soccer t-shirt

Gray hoodie

5-IN-1 Men beauty care kit

Special gain fast chocolate blast weight gainer for assisting muscle build-up

Loads of love 🙂

(You can try other colors and collar styles too)
