Wardrobe essentials in men’s clothing

Gone are times when men did not give due attention tot current fashion trends, what’s in and what’s not! They have forever been termed as lazy shoppers who wear anything that is easily available and comfortable.

Today, the metrosexual man of 21st century knows the nerve of fashion, has a knack for what’s hot and what’s not and pays conscious attention to what trends he is sporting. Men are fashionable from the word go! No wonder the market catering to men’s clothing is expanding at a lightning fast speed. So, to meet the demands of the urban male, Lootbargain has in place all the wardrobe essentials that will make you look fab in a jiffy.

  • Camo


  • Stripes
  • rfrDenims


If you are existing on a budget then stuffing your closet with these 4 wardrobe essentials will be suffice as you can experiment with these looks for various occasions. Shop for men’s jeans, formal and casual shirts and much more from the ultimate shopping destination- Lootbargbain.com.