Say hello to mornings full of energy

Getting up in the morning after a tiring day at work is nothing less than punishment (barring early risers though) but an inevitable part of our routines. Be it a kid who has to get for every morning for school to working couples and housewives who need to wake up to get their kids ready for school! It gets tougher to leave a comfortable bed on a chilly winter morning.


This ends up in people having low energy level through the day, which affects their work and health. Women end up having under eye circles, dull skin, obesity and many other health problems. In such a case it gets important to provide for ourselves a support to revitalize our vitality levels and start the day with new verve. Here are a couple of common approaches to energizing yourself:

Stretch like there is no tomorrow

Yes, this might sound very dramatic but stretching is the key to energized mornings. When you wake up, go for a hearty full body stretch. Inhale your breath, stretch and slowly exhale. Repeat it if you feel the need to be. Extend your each muscle from head to toe to feel the burn. This works as a wake up alarm for your brain.

Listen to your favorite music

If the snooze button on your alarm clock is what you love the most, wake up with your favorite music! You might set any soothing song as your alarm tone or turn on any thumping track once you are awake.

Go for the fragrance magic

Nothing is more therapeutic than starting your day with some nice fragrances. Try sniffing some lavender or vanilla or any of your favorite flavor to waken up your brain and revitalize your senses.

Get some sun

Though there might be seasons when bearing the sun for even a second feels suicidal, but sun rays are essential for body. A 10 minute walk in your garden and soaking the calming morning sun rays gives amazing energy to the body and fulfills the need for vitamins too.